The awesome ATC guys and gals at Buttonville moved into their new tower this morning. Hope you like your new digs! The new tower brings
Category: Pre Training

I came across the great circle mapper website that allows you to plot on a map routes you have taken from airports. I tossed in
I’ve registered for my summer semester courses last night. They start in the second week of May and run until August. Tuesdays: Instruments and Avionics
My first flying lessons have been booked! According to the FI, the lesson is going to start with a ground briefing then off to the
Too bad Cessnas dont have ejection seats. This is a really cool video of a fighter jet hitting a bird in flight. They try to

My medical certificate finally arrived. I was surprised at how quickly they processed it once the doctor sent it in. About 7 days! There really

I would like to thank Clumpinglitter for providing last weeks photo. Everyone got it right! It’s an outside air temperature gauge with ice detector! Without
I found the “Top 10 of Everything Canadian 2005” book sitting on my parents coffee table tonight. So I decided to crack it open… some
Here is a good video of a pilot landing in a cross-wind situation. The manoeuvre is called a “crab” and it is standard operating procedure.
Last weeks NTP didn’t go too badly. 2 people commented! Lets see if we can get 4 people to comment on this weeks part. You