Every week (or so) I’m going to post of a photo of something aviation related along with a clue. It’s your job to guess what the part is by leaving a comment (using the link below).

Named after the French physicist that invented it.
Good luck!
Every week (or so) I’m going to post of a photo of something aviation related along with a clue. It’s your job to guess what the part is by leaving a comment (using the link below).
Named after the French physicist that invented it.
Good luck!
Comments are closed.
Le Ballpointieur Penne
Pitot tube
The gold star goes to the Anonymous poster from California!
The pitot tube is used to send air (created by dynamic pressure) into the instrument system to run such instruments as the Airspeed Indicator.
It is pronounced “pee-toe”, not “pie-tot” or “pee-tot”.
The full version of the image can be viewed here.
Stay Tuned Next week for another edition of “Name That Part!”
Pitot tube