I attended the “ground school” at Toronto Airways for their latest aircraft that has the G1000 avionics installed.
This course is mandatory if you would like to get checked out in the aircraft. I would really like to take this new airplane on my commercial cross country to Sherbrooke, QC. Over the next coming weeks, I’m going to see if I can get checked out.
I keep two log books. One electronic and one paper. I decided to audit my paper log book for errors and found a few.
Most of them were due to time calculation errors (since the excel spreadsheet I use for the electronic version has better math skills than me.)
Here are two errors that I discovered:
1. I forgot to add time under the cross country column for a flight last August.
2. I put the wrong value down for a flight at night last October.
The total number of hours missing is about 2.3.
These log entries appear about 4 or 5 pages back from the current entry in the book.
How would you correct these errors? Strike out all entries for the past 6-8 months or so and start over? As far as I understand you aren’t allowed to use things like “white-out” to correct entries, and you must show all errors.
(BTW, for the user who commented about “updating my hours” it’s been done. As well, there is a date stamp to let you know when the last time it was updated)
I found the same problem when I started my Excel sheet… I put some wrong figures in the electronic one, so as to match the totals of the paper version.
I lots 1 hour, but it does not really matter to me as I don’t need to build time…. and whiteing few dozen of pages is the best way to introduce new errors…
I made a mistake in my log books during my PPL lessons. The school made corrections on the totals line of the page certified the log book. If you’re still flying with the same FBO as you when you make the mistake it should be as easy as asking them to certify your log book.
The other way would be to enter a comment and correct the entry where the cross country time was missed, then total up your time on the current page and enter a comment that times were corrected for errors detected for entry on such-and-such date, carry forward and continue.
I kept a paper logbook for years, but finally gave up on it, do you keep a paper copy of anything else? I found that once I started flying every day, I was more and more simply entering it on my computer, and catching up my logbook every month or so. I’m pretty sure that the only requirement is to have it backed up, so I print mine off routinely and keep it somewhere, along with the most recent certified copy.
But I guess there is some nostalgia to the old paper one :)
I keep a paper one because of the stamps. Everywhere I go I get a stamp for souvenir and so that my cross countries are undisputed, but more so for the souvenir. I guess you could start over if you dont have a lot of stamps or just add some flights at the end to cover the lost hours? So that the grand totals match..not sure if you can do that or not
Yeah, I like the paper log book because of the stamps as well.
The last thing I want to have is my cross country time disputed because there was no proof of landing at the airport.
Blake for your night cross countries were you able to get stamps from airports that were closed? If so how did you get them? Call out service?
When I find such an error I star the line where the error occurs and then write in the margin, next to another star, something like “Incorrect time entered. Corrected after entry dd Month year.” Then I go to the first blank line in the logbook and write todays date, and write across the line “Correction to entry dd Month year. Entered 3.4 h should have been 4.3 h.” Then I would write 0.9 under the appropriate column (single/multi/day/night) and when I totalled that page, it would bring the grand total up to date.
My logbook has been through the ATPL audit and no one has had a problem with that. Also if I miss logging a flight altogether, I just log it on whatever date I get the paystub showing the missed flight, and I’ll write in the remarks “logged out of sequence”. The remarks section isn’t very big, so you can always use the unused type of flight columns or go to extra lines for the same entry.
Also, if you make a mistake that is easily corrected by crossing it out, make sure you cross it out with ONE line, so the original is legible, and write in the correction, with your initials.
Never use liquid paper or scribble out an entry.
You probably already knew most of that, but someone might find it useful.
How do you normally set it up as an excel sheet? I want to transfer all my paper logs to the computer [about 6 pages]. Anyways, have you flown NFX recently? She’s purring like theres no tommorow!