Porter Landing In The Windy City

Porter announced today that they will be flying to Chicagos Midway airport starting November 12. Flights starting at $149.

I’m sure if Meigs was still around, they’d be using that airport instead.

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3 thoughts on “Porter Landing In The Windy City

  1. In the news today, according to Avweb, “Midway Airport in Chicago will become the first major airport in the U.S. to be privatized and it will be run by a Canadian company. Vancouver Airport Services, which runs Vancouver International Airport and 17 other airports in British Columbia, the Caribbean, South America and Europe, was the successful bidder for a $2.5 billion deal that will include a lease on Midway for 99 years.”
    This leads me to wonder if Meigs will re-open after all?
    … Al.

  2. Porter seems to be expanding very quickly – KLGA, KMDW… In this time of aviation, it looks like it’s pushing to fast. Am I wrong?

  3. I think Porters expansion is on track and are not expanding too quickly.
    They don’t fly into KLGA, but KEWR.
    Their focus is business travelers, a segment of the traveling population that will always exist. So far the markets they are going into seem to be smart.
    Keep in mind they have a lot of “contracts” with large companies for discount rates.

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