So after a week of comments and research, it’s time to answer the question.
This is a unique problem. Mainly because of some of the procedures at Bromont. During glider ops you are not to overfly the airport.
So that rules out joining the mid downwind after overflying the airport. Because there was no traffic advisory available, then the control zone was an ATF. Which means there is only one other way to join the circuit, that is via the straight-in downwind.
I think this is a knowledge gap during the training process. I’ve come up with a chart that will help with figuring out when MF and ATF rules and procedures are in place. Please let me know if you find any errors so that I can correct.
Comments are welcome.
Hey Blake. It was certainly interesting to read about this issue. Thanks! I also did some research as well and I’ve found that event though “you should join straight-in downwind” you don’t have (not shall). So, if you can be sure no conflict exists you can still try to join at 45 degrees to downwind…at least that is what I discovered in AIM RAC 4.5.2.