I hear this callsign on Toronto Centre every now and then. I assumed it was a Q-400, I didn’t think it was a jet!
The caption says that it’s at Buttonville. Not sure if they were testing the Localizer there. Its been U/S for a while now.

© Tom Podolec
Pretty neat looking aircraft.
I have a flight booked for Sunday. If anyone out there would like to come up with me, let me know. The flight is at 12, lets hope the weather holds.
Darn, would have loved to tag along for the ride, I have a ZAON XRX PCAS, would have been cool to see how much traffic flying around buttonville with it.
That particular aircraft, along with a matching one is actually for sale, to make way for the new ones.
Oh really? hmm… What are the new ones going to be?
If I’m not mistaken I’ve seen one of those at CYOO many years ago when I was a student. It was definitely NavCan, turbine, although if I remember correctly it was “NavCan 2”.
After i looked at the picture a little closer i realized that that is a RJ, not one of the challengers that are presently for sale. This is actually one of the new aircraft that Nav Canada is using (I believe they have 2 RJ’s and atleast 1 DH8, but its a B, or C, as far as I know Nav doesn’t own any D’s)
You see them around quite a bit actually, they test all the nav-aids on a regular basis, they fly as different NavCan flights (usually 1-5, or 100-500, depending on if they are testing or carrying passengers, I believe)