I’ve been spending the past hour working on my Computer Systems assignment (its a METAR, TAF, and FD decoder). I’m at the point now where I have to convert the weather codes into human readable format. Ie, make it so that “SN” is displayed as “Snow”.
Most of the codes are straight forward:
SN = Snow
RA = Rain
VA = Volcanic Ash
DZ = Drizzle
There are some that, at first, didn’t make any sense:
GR = Hail
BR = Mist
FU = Smoke
PO = Dust
I thought to my self.. Hail, in French is: grêle. So I looked up the French equivalent of “mist” and “smoke”, and low and behold:
GR = Hail = Grêle
BR = Mist = Brume
FU = Smoke = Fumée
PO = Dust = poussière
Now, the only ones I cant figure out are:
MI = Shallow
BC = Patches
GS = Snow Pellets
If anyone knows what “real” word those codes are abbreviations of, please let me know. Knowing the “real” word actually helps me remember what the codes mean!
GS = Granular Snow? That’s the way I’ve always interpreted it.
MI I’ve always thought of as being mince, French for thin.
Why was this stolen from another flight instructor’s webpage and posted here without proper reference? Blake is a thief?
Can you give me a url of the site you claimed I plagiarized from?
If you will notice, I posted this article March 4, 2006.
The URL that Navin Peter, the page indicates it was posted June, 2008.
If I use anyone elses work, I am sure to credit them.