Got this email from John Davis at Toronto Airways:
At approximately 1:30 pm today a violent Microburst went through the Buttonville Municipal Airport. Some damage was incurred on a few aircraft tied down on the field. We have decided for the safety of our cutsomers to inspect each and every aircraft whether or not it appears to be damaged. Aircraft will be released for training/rental as their inspections are completed. Please be patient as this will take some time for our staff to complete the necessary inspections. To help speed the process up we are bringing in maintenance staff from our school in Oshawa as well.
Please call Dispatch at 905-477-8110 to see if your flight will be taking place.
I will keep you informed of our progress.
John Davis
I hope it isn’t anything too serious…
Just got this email from the Buttonville Flying Club:
Well Geoff Wood, John VanLieshout and I were having lunch today and noticed a huge storm.
There was a Beaver on Floats tied down that turned 180 degrees but that wasn’t the worst of it. 3 aircrafts flipped over – 1 – Penn Yann 172 from Toronto Airways; another 172 SP CGFYPP and a 140 Cherokee – they are all write offs. Many ropes were broken.
Toronto Airways have grounded it’s entire fleet to check for damages. Our own Wendy’s 172 might have had its ailerons damaged. Joe (CGYKZ) looks like your 172 was spared. But I suggest if you have an airplane parked on the main ramp especially on the north side close to the hangars, that you check for damage – it was a wicked storm that lasted all of 15 seconds but powerful.
There was a Aztec with control locks and the rudder got twisted; there was a 152 with control locks and both ailerons are in the down position; the door of a 172 was blown open and bent.
The Toronto Star has an article about some of the damage.

The Toronto Sun just published a small story about the storm/damage.