A friend and I headed up to Parry Sound this past Saturday. I would recommend to everyone (In southern Ontario) to take advantage of this 23°C weather and blue skies to get into the air and enjoy the autumn to it’s fullest.

For the first time ever, the airplane I wanted to use was “timed out”. That is, there was about only 1 hour left before the necessary 50 hour inspection. There was some discussion at dispatch about getting a 10 hour extension. I decided to err on the safe side and get another (and what ended up being a better) aircraft.
I flew the (new to the fleet) 172R C-GKRF. The cool thing about this aircraft is that it has a two axis auto pilot! Heading and Altitude. I took advantage of both throughout the flight. There were some things to note.
The Midland VOR isn’t your standard “witches hat” style VOR. The Simcoe VOR is a good example of that. Instead it’s a really tall antenna. I’m not sure why this is the case, but if anyone can shed light on why this is please let me know.
The airplane is equipped with a Garmin GNS430w gps/radio. The map was not displaying class C or D airspace. I couldn’t figure out how to display it. I found the manual on Garmins website and now I know for next time!
I was able to find Buttonville airport fine coming from the north as 15 was the active and the REILs were flashing away. I was cleared for the straight in approach.
Thanks to Marco for keeping me company during the flight and providing such excellent photos.
Splendid ! I’m speechless, and this is not frequent.
You should submit it to my photo contest: http://www.plasticpilot.net/blog/2008/10/12/500th-post-enter-the-photo-contest-today/
Great photo. I love flying this time of year.