I’m trying to find some resources on things to think, worry, know about when it comes to owning an airplane. Specifically I want to calculate
While I was vacationing in Samoa, I hade the opportunity to take a quick flight from Savai’i to ‘Upolu on a Polynesian Airways twin otter.
Terrace Bay, Ontario used to have an airport. However in 2005 the city council voted to close the airport to save the community approx $40,000
Starting in December, NavCanada is changing the abbreviation used for the term “below”. Currently it is “BLO”, but the new one will be “BLW”. AIC
I’m back from vacation! I do have a vacation specific post to talk about, but in the mean time check this out. Ice Pilots NWT
Here are some statistics I gathered from CADORs regarding airplanes getting hit by lasers (for 2009): May: 7 June: 4 July: 7 August: 26 September:
Normally I’m not a fearful person. As long as I feel like I’ve prepared the best I can, there really is no reason for me
When I’m bored, I pop open the CFS to a random page and read up on a particular airport. Today it happened to be Wiley
Back in August, I reported that NavCanada was making some changes to the Low Level IFR airspace on Ontario. They have an implementation date! October
NavCanada turned off all VOR receiver test facilities (VOT) in Canada (I believe). This means there is no longer a way for you to test