My latest solo flight was a diversion to Holland Landing Airpark. The plan was to divert from Claremont to CLA4. I had previously been to CLA4 with my FI, but this was the first time solo.

Me, looking all piloty
I love this little airport. I haven’t actually physically landed there, but have done at least a “low and over”.
There was nothing exciting about the flight. The weather was great as was the visibility. I did take some snaps which you can see in the gallery.
I also did bring along my GPS unit to record the flight. You can download the Google Earth KMZ if you would like to see the details. I did a simulated precautionary landing at the airport, hence the many circuits before actually doing the low-and-over.

Preston Lake, a VFR reporting point for YKZ
The Google Earth imagery in the GTA has been updated recently as well (incidentally by a company that operates right next to Buttonville).
So where’s the PPL you ask? I’m still waiting for a supervisory ride. All of the class 2+ instructors are busy or cant jive with my schedule.