METAR CYKZ 221500Z 02016G22KT 1 1/2SM -SN BLSN OVC015 M04/M05 A2980 RMK SN6SF2 SLP101= The METAR says it all. Let’s hope this winter is mostly
I’ve been distracted by Guitar Hero the past few weeks. My training for multi-ifr stuff doesn’t start until the end of December so I’m taking
I sat down on the computer with the intention of writing a nice blog entry about my x-country to Brantford but got distracted instead. So
I’ve been reading up on Multi-Engine flying. I’m now familiar with terms like critical engine, p-factor, and asymmetrical thrust. I’m looking for more detailed information.
I completed my last 0.8 hours in the circuit. It was a bumpy ride with winds gusting to 17 knots. Even at circuit altitude the
I’ve been spending the past week looking around on online stores for a decently priced flight bag. The one I have now is too small.
My flight on Friday went well. Got checked out in the Piper Archer which involves doing some upper airwork (including my first emergency decent), different
I get asked this question quite often. Usually when I reply with “Cessna 172” most people know what I’m talking about. The next question usually
… Also known as the “common cold”. I was supposed to go flying yesterday, but I couldn’t go due to my plugged up sinuses. I
Title: Secrets From The Tower Author: Bob Richards ISBN: 097871139 Size: 357 Pages Rating: 4.5 out of 5. I discovered this book on the